Zinc capsules

150 Vegetarian Capsules |  1 per day |
In Stock
  • Buy 2 for €15.77 each and save 5%
  • Buy 4 for €14.94 each and save 10%

Gluten free  | GMO free  | Vegeterian  | Without artificial preservatives

Zinc is an important mineral needed for many functions of our body:

  • It plays a role in the functioning of the immune system
  • Helps maintain healthy skin
  • It has a role in maintaining vision
  • It helps maintain normal testosterone levels in the blood
  • It plays a role in cell division and supports proper development in pregnancy and childhood
  • It plays a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, acids and bases
  • It has a role in protecting cells from oxidative stress

Zinc in the dietary supplement ZINC KAPS is in the form of zinc monomethionine, which provides zinc and methionine in a ratio of 1: 1, and zinc citrate.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that the zinc form of monomethionine is better absorbed, retains longer in plasma, and is more effective than other forms of zinc.

PRIPOROČENA DNEVNA KOLIČINA oz. ODMEREK: ena (1) kapsula na dan s hrano ali brez

Število kapsul v embalaži: 150 vegetarijanskih kapsul

Neto količina: 43 g


SESTAVINE: 1 kapsula vsebuje   

Cink (kot OptiCink® cinkov monometionin, cinkov citrat

15 mg

150 %

Sestavine: sredstvo za povečanje prostornine: mikrokristalna celuloza/celulozni gel, kapsula: hidroksipropilmetil celuloza, cinkov mono-L-metionin sulfat, cinkov citrat, sredstvi proti sprijemanju: magnezijeve soli maščobnih kislin, silicijev dioksid [nano]



Priporočene dnevne količine oz. odmerka se ne sme prekoračiti.
Če se zdravite zaradi bolezni, ste noseči ali dojite, se pred uporabo prehranskih dopolnil posvetujte z zdravnikom.
Izdelka ne uporabljati, če je zunanji pečat kakorkoli poškodovan.
Prehransko dopolnilo ni nadomestilo za uravnoteženo in raznovrstno prehrano ter zdrav način življenja.
Shranjevati nedosegljivo otrokom.
Shranjevati tesno zaprto, na hladnem in suhem mestu.

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Chinese proverb


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