NAD + cell formula 100 mg

30 Vegetarian Capsules |  1 per day |
In Stock
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Gluten free  | GMO free  | Vegeterian  | Without artificial preservatives

What is NAD + in the body?


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD +) is a coenzyme present in all living cells. It is a communication molecule between the cell nucleus and mitochondria.

With age, the level of NAD + in our body decreases. By the age of 50 , the average person can have only half of the NAD + , by the age of 80 the level of NAD + decreases to only 1-10% of the level expressed in youth.

Niacin from nicotinamide riboside contained in a food supplement:

  • contributes to the normal metabolism of energy production
  • reduces fatigue and lethargy

Nicotinamide riboside chloride is a precursor to NAD + , which is converted to NAD + in cells by cellular enzymes.

The recommended dose for adults is 300 mg / day .

Nicotinamide riboside can also be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women . The recommended dose is 230 mg / day.

PRIPOROČENA DNEVNA KOLIČINA oz. ODMEREK: ena (1) kapsula na dan s hrano ali brez
Količina kapsul v embalaži: 30 vegetarijanskih kapsul
Neto količina: 9,6 g


SESTAVINE: 1 vegetarijanska kapsula vsebuje                                                                                            % PDV

Niacin (iz NIAGEN® nikotinamid ribozid (100 mg)

42 mg

263 %

Sestavine: nikotinamid ribozid klorid, sredstvo za povečanje prostornine: mikrokristalna celuloza/celulozni gel, hidroksipropilmetil celuloza (kapsula), sredstvo proti sprijemanju; silicijev dioksid (nano), magnezijeve soli maščobnih kislin

PDV - priporočen denvni vnos

Nikotinamid ribozid ne povzroča rdečice, oblivanja.

NIAGEN® je registrirana blagovna znamka ChromaDex, Inc., patenti na:



Priporočene dnevne količine oz. odmerka se ne sme prekoračiti.
Če se zdravite zaradi bolezni, ste noseči ali dojite, se pred uporabo prehranskih dopolnil posvetujte z zdravnikom.
Izdelka ne uporabljati, če je zunanji pečat kakorkoli poškodovan.
Prehransko dopolnilo ni nadomestilo za uravnoteženo in raznovrstno prehrano ter zdrav način življenja.
Shranjevati nedosegljivo otrokom.
Shranjevati tesno zaprto, na hladnem in suhem mestu.


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Chinese proverb


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