Omega-3 Fish Oil Gummy Bites

36 Gummies |  1 per day |
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Gluten free  | GMO free  | Without artificial preservatives  | Dietary Supplement

Omega-3 Fish Oil with sweeteners is a dietary supplement for those who want to add fish oil and omega-3 to their diet but have difficulty swallowing the capsules. 

The delicious chewy sweets are high in EPA and DHA omega-3s and contain no sugar (but are not a low-calorie food) and no bovine gelatine. The candies are individually wrapped, so you can decide how much fish oil and omega-3s to consume each day. There is no burning after the sweets.

Life Extension® uses a special formulation technology that allows billions of tiny droplets of omega-3 to be suspended in a delicious chewy candy. Most other manufacturers usually make chewy candies by mixing nutrients with gelatin and sugar and pouring them into a mould.

Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) are essential, which means we need to provide them to our bodies through food or supplements for optimal function.

Omega-3s have:

  • a role in brain function*,
  • a role in maintaining vision*,
  • a role in heart function** and
  • contribute to the maintenance of normal triglyceride levels in the blood.***

*The beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA

** Beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHK.

*** A beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 2000 mg of EPA and DHK.


PRIPOROČENA DNEVNA KOLIČINA oz. ODMEREK: en (1) žvečilni bonbon na dan

Št. bonbonov v embalaži: 36


SESTAVINE: 1 žvečilni bonbon vsebuje

Koncentrat olja divjih rib (sardoni)

-          EPK (eikozapentaenojska kislina)

-          DHK (dokozaheksaenojska kislina)

750 mg

300 mg

225 mg

Sestavine: visoko prečiščen koncentrat ribjega olja (divji sardoni), prečiščena voda, sladilo: ksilitol, ribja želatina (basa, tilapija), sladilo: eritritol, stabilizator: glicerol, kislina: natrijevi citrati, aroma limone, sredstvo za zgostitev: arabski gumi, sredstvo za uravnavanje kislosti: citronska kislina, aroma jagode, antioksidant: askorbinska kislina, barvilo: izvleček paprike, kapsantin, kapsorubin, sladilo: steviol glikozidi iz stevie

Vsebuje ribe.

Pri izpostavljenosti visokim temperaturam žvečilni bonbon postane tekoč, kar ne vpliva na kakovost izdelka. Žvečilni bonbon se bo vrnil v prvotno trdno stanje, ko se bo ohladil na sobni temperaturi ali v hladilniku. Priporočena temperatura za shranjevanje je 5 - 25°C.


Priporočene dnevne količine oz. odmerka se ne sme prekoračiti.
Če se zdravite zaradi bolezni, ste noseči ali dojite, se pred uporabo prehranskih dopolnil posvetujte z zdravnikom.
Izdelka ne uporabljati, če je zunanji pečat kakorkoli poškodovan.
Prehransko dopolnilo ni nadomestilo za uravnoteženo in raznovrstno prehrano ter zdrav način življenja.
Shranjevati nedosegljivo otrokom.
Shranjevati tesno zaprto, na hladnem in suhem mestu.

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