Glutathione, cysteine & C

100 Capsules |  2 per day |
In Stock
  • Buy 2 for €27.27 each and save 5%
  • Buy 4 for €25.83 each and save 10%

Gluten free  | GMO free  | Without artificial preservatives

Glutathione, cysteine & C is an excellent blend of ingredients that act synergistically to support the immune system, in one capsule.

Vitamin C plays a role in the functioning of the immune system. It has a role in protecting cells from oxidative stress (so it can eliminate free radicals). It helps to restore the reduced form of vitamin E. It is a vital cofactor for the formation of collagen - for the normal functioning of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, teeth, gums and skin.

L-cysteine is a conditionally essential amino acid, just one of three sulfur-containing amino acids.

Glutathione is a multifunctional molecule that our body naturally produces from three amino acids: L-glutamine, L-cysteine and glycine and is found in every cell.

The product is intended for:

  • physically and mentally active persons
  • athletes

PRIPOROČENA DNEVNA KOLIČINA oz. ODMEREK: ena (1) do tri (3) kapsule na dan, na prazen želodec
Količina kapsul v embalaži: 100 kapsul
Neto količina: 100 g


SESTAVINE: 3 kapsule  zagotavljajo                                                                                % PDV

Vitamin C (kot askorbinska kislina)

1500 mg


Setria® L-glutation (reduciran)

150 mg


L-cistein hidroklorid

600 mg


Sestavine: vitamin C, L-cistein hidroklorid, rastlinska celuloza (kasula), L-glutation, sredstvo za povečanje prostornine: mikrokristalna celuloza, sredstvo proti sprijemanju: stearinska kislina, silicijev dioksid

PDV – priporočen dnevni vnos
** PDV ni določen

Setria® je registrirana blagovna znamka KYOWA HAKKO BIO Co., Ltd.



Priporočene dnevne količine oz. odmerka se ne sme prekoračiti.
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Izdelka ne uporabljati, če je zunanji pečat kakorkoli poškodovan.
Prehransko dopolnilo ni nadomestilo za uravnoteženo in raznovrstno prehrano ter zdrav način življenja.
Shranjevati nedosegljivo otrokom.
Shranjevati tesno zaprto, na hladnem in suhem mestu.

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"When you are healthy, you have a thousand wishes. When you get sick, you only have one."
Chinese proverb


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