GINKO BILOBA, Certified Extract ™, 120 mg

365 Vegetarian Capsules |  1 per day |
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Gluten free  | GMO free  | Vegeterian  | Without artificial preservatives

Ginkgo biloba can help maintain proper brain function in older people.

Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest known trees, used in Eastern medicine for almost 2800 years.

The 28/7 premium quality ginkgo extract in the dietary supplement is concentrated and double standardized, ensuring the highest quality, consistency and biological activity.

Phytonutrient profile of the Ginkgo Biloba food supplement Certified extract ™ comparable to GBE 24/6 extract used worldwide in clinical studies and the German monograph German Commission E. The German Health Regulatory Agency, which determines the purity of ginkgo, requires that ginkgo should not contain more than 5 ppm of ginkgolic acid, which may cause an allergic reaction in some people. Ginkgo Biloba Certified Extract ™ contains less than 1 ppm of ginkgolic acid and therefore has one of the lowest levels of ginkgolic acid among dietary supplements on the market.

The dietary supplement contains 365 vegetarian capsules.


PRIPOROČENA DNEVNA KOLIČINA oz. ODMEREK: ena (1) kapsula 2-krat na dan na dan s hrano ali brez

Število kapsul v embalaži: 365 vegetarijanskih kapsul

Neto količina: 91 g


SESTAVINE: 2 vegetarijanski kapsuli vsebujeta

Izvleček Ginkgo biloba (list) [std. na 24 % ginko flavonskih glikozidov, 6 % terpenskih lakotonov, in < 1 ppm ginkolne kisline ]

240 mg

Sestavine: izvleček ginka Ginko biloba, sredstvo za povečanje prostornine: mikrokristalna celuloza, rastlinska celuloza (kapsula), sredstvo proti sprijemanju: silicijev dioksid, stearinska kislina

Brez GSO.

Ne vsebuje: konzervansov, barvil in laktoze. Primerno tudi za diabetike.



Če jemljete antikoagulantna ali antitrombotična zdravila ali imate motnjo strjevanja krvi, se pred jemanjem posvetujte z zdravnikom.





Priporočene dnevne količine oz. odmerka se ne sme prekoračiti.

Če se zdravite zaradi bolezni, ste noseči ali dojite, se pred uporabo prehranskih dopolnil posvetujte z zdravnikom.

Izdelka ne uporabljati, če je zunanji pečat kakorkoli poškodovan.

Prehransko dopolnilo ni nadomestilo za uravnoteženo in raznovrstno prehrano ter zdrav način življenja.

Shranjevati nedosegljivo otrokom.

Shranjevati tesno zaprto, na hladnem in suhem mestu.


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